Korektor w kolorze jasnej porcelanowej skóry.
Fashion has always been so temporary and uncertain. You can't keep up with it. This social phenomenon is very whimsical, thus we as the consumers always try to stay in touch with all the latest fashion tendencies.
Fashion has always been so temporary and uncertain. You can't keep up with it. This social phenomenon is very whimsical, thus we as the consumers always try to stay in touch with all the latest fashion tendencies.
Fashion has always been so temporary and uncertain. You can't keep up with it. This social phenomenon is very whimsical, thus we as the consumers always try to stay in touch with all the latest fashion tendencies.
Fashion has always been so temporary and uncertain. You can't keep up with it. This social phenomenon is very whimsical, thus we as the consumers always try to stay in touch with all the latest fashion tendencies.
Fashion has always been so temporary and uncertain. You can't keep up with it. This social phenomenon is very whimsical, thus we as the consumers always try to stay in touch with all the latest fashion tendencies.
Fashion has always been so temporary and uncertain. You can't keep up with it. This social phenomenon is very whimsical, thus we as the consumers always try to stay in touch with all the latest fashion tendencies.
Fashion has always been so temporary and uncertain. You can't keep up with it. This social phenomenon is very whimsical, thus we as the consumers always try to stay in touch with all the latest fashion tendencies.
Często mylony z fuksją. Zawiera więcej różu niż filoletu, dla kobiet odważnych. Kolor dobrze kryjący.
Kolor ceglany dodawany do zimnych brązów, aby zapobiec efektowi grafitowych brwi.
Pigment o średniej intensywności krycia w odcieniu malinowego różu, do każdego typu urody.
Pigment biały. Służy jako pigment rozświetlający w technice lip light.
Chłodna, elegancka intensywna czerwień, kolor dobrze kryjący w szczególności dla kobiet o wyraźnej urodzie.
Intensywniejsza wersja koloru Wine Red, polecana dla kobiet o wyraźnej urodzie. Pigment dobrze kryjący.
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